
Butter-Fly is the opening song of Digimon Adventure sung by Koji Wada.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans In-Training Rookie Champion Ultimate


(Number indicates order of occurrence.)

Koromon 1 Agumon 8 Greymon
Koromon b Arrow R Agumon b Arrow R Greymon b
Yokomon 2 Biyomon 9 Birdramon
Yokomon b Arrow R Biyomon b Arrow R Birdramon b
Tsunomon 3 Gabumon 10 Garurumon
Tsunomon b Arrow R Gabumon b Arrow R Garurumon b
Motimon 4 Tentomon 11 Kabuterimon
Motimon b Arrow R Tentomon b Arrow R Kabuterimon b

Tanemon 5 Palmon 14 Togemon
Tanemon b Arrow R Palmon b Arrow R Togemon b
Bukamon 6 Gomamon 12 Ikkakumon
Bukamon b Arrow R Gomamon b Arrow R Ikkakumon b
Tokomon 7 Patamon 13 Angemon
Tokomon b Arrow R Patamon b Arrow R Angemon b

Other notes

Miscellaneous trivia

  • Kari Kamiya and her Digimon partner Gatomon are the only main characters to never appear in the opening.