

RizeGoramon is a white-skinned, bipedal, winged reptilian digimon whose name comes from 'Rise' and 'Goramon', a tribute to RizeGreymon. It bears the crest of rage on its forhead, and has heavy, bladed Chrome Digizoid armour on its wings, and upper chest. RizeGoramon is capable of flight, even without its wings due to the propulsion crystals hidden within its wings. RizeGoramon is also armed with a Chrome Digizoid cannon on his right arm which almost rivals that of RizeGreymon.


  • Cannon Fire: The digimon fires the massive cannon on their arm. It is not necessary to say this attacks name out loud.
  • Rizing Sun: The digimon rises into the air and is illuminated by a massive red sun, then combusts, causing the ground to shudder, then launches a giant fireball towards the target.
  • Rize: Dim light begins to surround the digimon, forming an aura that lifts the digimon into the air and heals them simultaneously.

RizeGoramon Burst Mode

When RizeGoramon receive enough power during a fight, they can enter their Burst Mode, where dim white light forms an aura around the digimon, the strength of their attacks are increased, and RizeGoramon is capable of firing their cannon at a faster rate. RizeGoramon can also enter this mode randomy while performing his attack, 'Rize'.


  • Cannon Fire: The digimon fires the massive cannon on their arm. It is not necessary to say this attacks name out loud.
  • Rizing Sun: The digimon rises into the air and is illuminated by a massive red sun, then combusts, causing the ground to shudder, then explodes with power and launches a giant fireball towards the target.
  • Rize: Dim light begins to surround the digimon, forming an aura that lifts the digimon into the air and heals them simultaneously. This can now also be performed on other digimon instead.
