
Sharkmon is a Rookie-Level Reptile Digimon whose name and design are derived from the shark. A recently discovered new species of Digimon. It is a surviving "ancient-species" which thrived during the Digital World's creation, just like Veemon. His skill is to be good swimmer, swimming under the water. He is a pudgy Digimon that cross between resembles a shark and a dinosaur with torpedo launchers on both horns.


  • Frozen Torpedo: Launches freezing torpedoes from the retractable torpedo launchers in his torpedo-like horns which freeze his opponents.
  • Aquatic Blizzard: Fires cold water beams at the opponent from his mouth which completely freezes everything.
  • Aquatic Tomahawk: Fires off freezing torpedoes from the retractable torpedo launchers in his torpedo-like horns.
  • Ice Shark Wave: Shoots a huge whirlpool of cold water from his mouth.
  • Coral Ice Breath: Shoots a huge gust of cold air from his mouth.