
Tentomon: The Unauthorized Biography was a Digimon Flash game created to promote Digimon Adventure on the now defunct FoxKids.com website. It talks about how Tentomon became a member of the DigiDestined.


In the Digital World, a group of Pabumon ask Tentomon to tell them a story. Tentomon decides to tell them the story of how he became a member of the DigiDestined. It all began when he was just a Pabumon. While the Pabumon were sleeping, an evil Ogremon goes into their village and steals all their food.

After learning that all their food was stolen, the Pabumon know that Ogremon must be stopped. One of the Pabumon decides to look for Ogremon, so he goes into the forest, where the player helps him find Ogremon. After he finds Ogremon, Pabumon is suddenly terrified, but he suddenly feels a strange feeling. As a result, he digivolves to Motimon & defeats Ogremon using Bubble Blow.

When Motimon returns to the village, the Pabumon are surprised to see their fellow villager digivolve, and they imagine what they want to digivolve to. The player clicks on each Pabumon to see what they're imagining. But no matter how hard they try, they can't digivolve. Motimon shows them how digivolution is done & digivolves to Tentomon, which scares the Pabumon and they run away. Although it takes them a while to adjust, the Pabumon come to realize that Tentomon is one of the DigiDestined.

The game ends up with the Pabumon cheering for Tentomon after the latter finishes his story.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Fresh In-Training Rookie Champion


(Number indicates order of occurrence.)

Pabumon 1 Motimon 2 Tentomon
Pabumon b Arrow R Motimon b Arrow R Tentomon b


External links[]

Notes and references[]
