Forums: Index > Watercooler > Toys

{{KrytenKoro|Okay, I'd like to at least start a draft on these, probably for the American armor digivolvers. Questions:

  1. Should this be a section on the species article, a subarticle (/Toy) auto-linked by the infobox as with gallery, or should we have list pages specially dedicated to the toys and simply link those within the infobox? My suggestion is a subpage.
  2. For Japanese and American toys, how different do they need to be before we simply treat them as separate toys? For example, the American Paildramon digivolver is one toy, while the Japanese version is two separate toys that combine. My suggestion is to keep them separate if separate molds were used.
  3. Seriously, the Trading Card Games (not playing card games). Is there any info on those anywhere, and just...seriously how do we want to deal with those.Now activating Project: SPIDERS EVERYWHERE 04:16, April 1, 2013 (UTC)