

GrandGeneramon is a Unique Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Grand General". It is the DigiFuse of all seven Death Generals. Resurrect! The Arrival of All Seven Death Generals!! It has the head and chest of Dorbickmon, the wings and left arm of NeoVamdemon, the abdomen and tail of Zamielmon, the body of Splashmon Darkness Mode as its lower half, the right arm of Olegmon, the right arm of Gravimon with its chest and tentacles as the shoulder, and the crest and left arm of Apollomon.

Digimon Fusion

GrandGeneramon (Incomplete)

GrandGeneramon is the DigiFuse of the Death Generals, excluding the defectors Olegmon and Apollomon. It has the same form as GrandGeneramon, except that it lacks the Olegmon arm, the Apollomon arm, and the Apollomon crest. For the Sake of the Digital World's Future! Friendship with a Death General!

Digimon Fusion

Notes and references
