
Leafmon is a Slime Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Leaf". It has a breath of fresh greens (a tiny leaf) for its tail portion. It has many of the elements of a plant and the composition of its body includes chlorophyll, so it photosynthesizes to grow. It possesses a leaf-shaped tail, and the leaf protects it from intense sunlight or when it is raining. Due to its pure nature, it doesn't distrust others even if they are frightening. However, it is just a little bit shy. As it was just born it is unable to battle, but its innocent spirit, overflowing with vitality, can make the surrounding people remember pure feelings that were forgotten, wrapping them in a calm air. However, if one tries to mess with it too much, it will spit acidic bubbles to intimidate them.[2]

Digimon Adventure 02

Main article: Leafmon (Adventure)

Digimon Frontier

Some Leafmon appear at the Autumn Leaf Fair during the DigiDestined's first visit. Bizarre Bazaar Other Leafmon are in the Village of Beginnings and are among the Digimon who stand up to the Royal Knights when they attack. Glean Eggs And Scram

Digimon Fusion

Delicious? Disgusting? The Digimon Ramen Contest!

Digimon Battle Spirit

Leafmon appears when Wormmon is defeated and de-digivolves.


  • Sansei no Awa (酸性の泡? lit. "Acidic Bubbles"): Spits acidic bubbles from its mouth to intimidate the opponent.

Notes and References
