
Cherrymon's Attacks as per the DMA http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexcherry.shtml
Pit Pelter 2 / Cherry Blast 17 / Cherry Blaster 18 = Cherry Bomb
Illusion Mist 2 = Illusion Mist
Vine Attack 19 = Tsuta Kougeki (Ivy Attack)

2: http://digitalindex.ultimatedigimon.com/digibattle/Digi-Battle_pages/Booster2/B-0092_Cherrymon.jpg
17: Season 4 : Episode 26 (Dub)
18: Digimon Battle
19: Digimon World Championship—http://garmmon.webs.com/championshipattacksen.htm

Tsuta Kougeki (Ivy Attack) comes from the DVR site http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~tikitaro/digimon/database/digimon_data/0354.html and confirmed by Garmmon as being in the Japanese version of Championship
--Deviate85 18:32, August 29, 2010 (UTC)
